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Virtual interns, a huge benefit to your team!

The City of Carlsbad’s internship program can help you engage with a new generation of talented and tech savvy individuals that can assist your department-online!

If you have been putting off bringing on an intern because your team is telecommuting, have no fear. We have all the tools available to onboard and seamlessly integrate the interns with your online team.

Watch this video to see how easy it is:

Here are some other benefits of hiring an intern virtually:

  • Apply the latest in techniques and technology. College students learn cutting-edge strategies, techniques and technology in their field. As much as your interns will learn from you, you can also learn from them.

  • Bring enthusiasm, motivation, and positive energy. This work ethic and positivity can easily rub off on others, improving the overall culture of your department!

  • Find future employees. Many of our talented interns become future employees.

Find out how you can add an intern to your team here:

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